LiguriaBikeXperience LiguriaBikeXperience – Lerici [stage 3] A natural and scenic beauty overlooking the famous Gulf of Poets 18 JANUARY 2018 LERICI, IN THE GULF OF POETS Here we are again for the third chapter, the second of 2018, of LiguriabikeXperience.... READ
LiguriaBikeXperience, Sport LiguriaBikeXperience – Deiva Marina [stage 2] The second chapter of the LiguriaBikeXperience tour stops 03 JANUARY 2018 DEIVA MARINA – FREERIDE PARADISE The second chapter of the LiguriaBikeXperience tour stops at Deiva Marina, a small seaside village... READ
LiguriaBikeXperience LiguriaBikeXperience – Borgio Verezzi [stage 1] Discover the Liguria Bike routes: the adventure begins 14 DECEMBER 2017 After the introduction of what LiguriaBikeXperience is, here we are again to take you to the first location of our... READ