Do you know what could be an excellent way to spend a day with your children? Be it winter or summer, it is a wildcard that you can play at any time of the year. It suffices to pay a visit to the Aquarium in Genova, also because it is always open, from 9.00 a.m. to approx. 8.00 p.m..
Your children will be more than delighted at the idea to admire fish, dolphins, sharks, and even penguins, almost within hand’s reach. Moreover, and just for the little ones, the Aquarium offers many games and learning activities that will teach them all they need to know about the sea and its inhabitants. You too will enjoy seeing those animals with other eyes. After all, one never stops learning! And don’t forget that Genova is a big city where you can combine your visit to the Aquarium with something else, more interesting for you. For instance, you might take a stroll along the beach, which is a stone’s throw from the city.
The Genova Aquarium for children
Just for a start, it’s carnival time, and if you’re looking for a different location where you can take your children, the Aquarium is the perfect place. First of all because the admission is cheaper, and some savings never harmed anyone; in fact, children aged between 4 and 12 pay half ticket until March 5. And also because there is “l’Acquario in Maschera” (The Costume Aquarium ), a very special lab where your kids, guided by experts, will learn how marine organisms hide to escape predators. It’s not finished yet: there’s also the “face painting” lab, where children’ faces are painted and turned into one of the Aquarium’s creatures. Original, isn’t it? The initiative runs on February 25, 26 and 28, in the afternoon; hurry to book, because there’s a closed number of max. 25 participants.
Let’s move to more traditional activities, starting with The “Acquario dietro le Quinte kids” (The Aquarium Behind the Scenes – Kids ). It is a special roadmap in stages created for children aged 3 to 7, accompanied by their parents. They will learn the secrets of some animals, visiting the labs and entering into places that the public cannot access. Just imagine their happiness at learning that they will see places of the Aquarium that are usually restricted to the public!
The lab “Alla scoperta dei cuccioli” (Discovering the Cubs) will be just as exciting, because your children will see how and where cubs are born and raised.
But the best still has to come. First, because there’s still the room of the abyss to visit, a space dedicated to virtual reality, which makes you discover the species that inhabit the deep waters. Basically, the system simulates a three-minute diving: you wear the glasses and you start to see the light become dimmer and dimmer… Another moment that you can enjoy with your kids. Second, because the older kids have the chance to sleep at the Aquarium – and you will have a whole night to relax! –, right by the shark tank. The next morning, after watching the animals wake up, you can take a nice breakfast before heading back home.
Let’s not forget the tropical garden “Un battito d’ali”(Flap of Wings). It truly is a different world that, nevertheless, completes the Aquarium. You will find yourself in the Central American rain forest, with tropical plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles and many colorful butterflies. This garden will be a wonderful surprise for everybody.
Considering the many attractions, you could decide to stay at the Aquarium for long, and your children might get hungry. The Tender Café, at the entrance of the Blue Ship, offers a kids’ menu with pizza, fries and soft drinks.
Before you leave, make them draw on the dedicated screen their favorite fish or a fish they can create with their imagination.